Welcome to CODF 2018!

We are looking forward to our annual conference taking place in Spring of 2018. This is a biannual event that will build on our success in 2016 and offer a look into Civil Analytics and evidence-based decision making among other topics.

Stay tuned to the CODF website as we start to reveal all of the exciting aspects of what we know will be a terrific opportunity to learn and network.


Call for Submissions

Open Dialogue, along with Open Data and Open Information, is one of three basic activities that define Open Government. You can understand more about Open Dialogue by viewing the principles that were established at CODF 2016.

In 2016, the Canadian Open Dialogue Forum (CODF) hosted a national conference in Ottawa that brought together some 300 people to hear why Open Dialogue is essential to Open Government, discuss how it works, and to collaborate on a set of draft principles to help guide these initiatives in the future.

In the spring of 2018, a second conference will be held, and we are currently accepting submissions for participation in the conference. The CODF 2018 Advisory Committee has identified the following broad themes for further exploration in building the 2018 programme:

  • • Moving beyond traditional consultation approaches
  • • Open dialogue that supports evidence-based decision making
  • • Engaging and educating senior leadership
  • • Emerging approaches to citizen engagement - restoring trust in government?


We are looking for speakers or stories that can be presented in the following formats:

    • Case Studies / Panellists

Individuals attached to recent initiatives, or who have unique insight in the area of open government.

    • Talks + Workshops

Short talks, and interactive workshops. Opportunities for both plenary and breakout formats.

    • Quick Talks

Short (~5 min) talks that quickly highlight some aspect of open dialogue. Examples could include case studies, success stories, learning from failure, impact stories, visions of the future, etc.


Submit proposals via our Google Form on or before November 30, 2017. The CODF 2018 Advisory Committee will review all proposals received, and further pursue submissions according to best fit. Submissions not selected may be considered for future events.





Follow @CdnOpenDialogue for more updates